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"there is always an imperfection in every perfection..." 我从梦中清醒了。我的心很迷糊, 思绪也很朦胧。眼前的日子,是现实的。在人来人往的这里,我从何去寻找我自己?

Monday, March 16, 2009

tea appreciation @ essential brew

I was hanging out with Doris and Jane at Holland V Essential Brews on Saturday evening. We have plan this after our first meet up when Doris just came back from New Zealand and I would say this is our very first official gathering since 3 years back.
我们穿的比平时美一点,放了一点makeup yesterday and we took alot of crazy pictures cause our Doris girl claims that she did not have a single shot of her taking with us. And Doris being Doris....hahaha....she say if there is no 60 photos today she is not gonna let us home. =p. Well 60 photos are not a problem for the trio, as I realise the 3 of us can be quite a cam whore. >.<". In fact we took a total of 108 pictures by just using mostly my camera phone. Lucky i charge it during the day....*phew. The only turn off part is that my memory card is always full so have to do real time transfer to Jane's handphone for some picture. Other than that, the lighting, ambience and the fragance from the 2 pots of tea...the whole combination is really a great chill out place for us.
Doris was sooo excited that she immediately booked this coming Saturday for another session of chill out. this time she say she is going to be prepared with her Apple Mac book do real time upload of photos to FB. Jane and I was like excited over the chill out again and we even discuss what should we bring like usb lah....blah blah. But one thing for sure, I am gonna be very casual next week. The reason, because Doris say dress pretty ma, so i wore my short dress lo. And thanks to my sister who have been there, she told me after that i need to sit on the floor. =.="

to doris & jane: " thanks for the advice pals, i know by arranging the above, you guys just want me to keep myself occupied as times goes on. your advice in a way or another makes me find back my "lost" self. maybe like what you all say, right from the start of the r/s i already lost who i am giving my priority and relying myself too much in this r/s and him. come to think about it, it can be quite tiring sometimes to compromise to the r/s totally. after 3 years, i also realise the 3 of us become closer and i really can sense that we appreciate each other better.

Doris 你长大了, 成熟了。。but you are still that fun and lovely. Jane is still the same, nothing much have change but that is how i like you. You will always listen to me no matter what. What I realise the most after all these happenings is that I miss out putting in much effort in this friendship. He is right, i should not have let any friendship just slip away. I thought I have understand that, but apparently i have not until now - the true meaning of what he has been trying to tell me.

Nice picture to be uploaded only :-


doris with her sexy roxy postcard

jane with her essential brew postcard

me with my TMC postcard....hahaa

jane & me

me and doris

the white poney tea

the blooming wonder tea....


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