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Location: JW, Singapore

"there is always an imperfection in every perfection..." 我从梦中清醒了。我的心很迷糊, 思绪也很朦胧。眼前的日子,是现实的。在人来人往的这里,我从何去寻找我自己?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

singapore flyer 13 april 08

Hi people, manage to upload some selected pictures from the singapore flyer which i took with yy last month. sorry for all the delay. >.< .... as usual lazy people like me tends to find excuses to blog. wkakakaka................
But my laziness aside, enjoy the pictures ~
side view of the flyer. picture taken from the main lobby of the centre.
picture taken from the 2nd level of the centre's lobby.
that's the floating plateform, this is taken while the flyer is 1/4 way up. wee~ ^^ love my camera phone lots...kekeke

ECP Expressway, view taken slighty more than a 1/4 way up~

that's the wonderful skyline from the flyer. almost reaching halfway up le ^^

coming down le~ 3/4 from the highest peak down. that's kallang~

view from Suntec City and Marina area...been trying very hard to hop around the flyer to get this view. =3=

esplanade & plateform from afar...half way down from the top~

close up view of them...zooommm all the way in....surprisingly it's clear. love my cam even more


that's little Rachel with daddy..."i am sleepy and i'm hungry !!! food ~~~~" (caption)

"i wan that...don't take my picture....i shy >.<"

"shun away from you...don't let you take...*bleh*

undeveloped part of SG, Marine Bay Golf Course from afar...zzzz nothing to see~ >.>

Eeeekkksss.....milky water......*shake head*


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